Saturday, October 11, 2008

I quit !!!

Dont worry guys, I am still with the stodgy Tamil Company. What I quit is the tradition of smoking !! And its not a health fad, I am kindfa fed up with restrictions of smoking after Oct2. Let me detail the point:
- you are at the panwallah and ask him for your fav brand. He hands you over a fag and then looks intently at you. You signal him for the money in front of him but he shakes his head, you are confused. Is this guy straight of something is wrong with his mind. What this panwaala wants to say is that even though he is selling tobacco, you cant light in front of his shop. WTF. 
- you are at a Jugheads / Poptates (btw, why not Bettie or Veronica!!). You order for your drinks and snuggle a fag onto your lips. Suddenly the chattering stops, the music is blaring but you know everybody is silent as if someone died. The bouncer comes over and tells you 'polietly' to go out for a smoke. Ohh, I forgot about Oct 2nd - says I and quietly push the cigg back in the box. 
- you are at the pitstop at office for a quick fag. A smeared forehead (read Tamil) comes and asks if it is still allowed. You wonder whether he is asking for salesguys defrauding businesses of money or my Tamil Company allowing another quarter's salary. But no, he makes a sarcastic remark about us smoking. 

Not any more, cant bear it ! So I quit !!!

NOTICE: If you see me smoking, smack me on the head and loudly say What I achieve is keeping some promise and promotion of my blog. 

1 comment:

'S' said...

Hahaha! Well written.....If I had read this earlier...I would have loved to smack you on the head and fearandhope blogspot!