Thursday, October 16, 2008

Honeybees of the roads!!!

16 on 16th - sounds like a cool name for a blog. But what it tells you is the amount of time taken from my office in Vikhroli, Gandhinagar crossing to Sher-e-Punjab, Andheri(East). Yes, dear friends, it was fortunate for the people who have a transport of their own. For the first time, the auto strike acted like a bypass on a choked artery for the Mumbai roads. Let me describe the experience for those who are not from the city (!!) or did not have a heart to venture out. 
The moment car left the office there was no honking or jam at the office gates, the first red-light was as clear as s'lariV mind. In 1 min (and not 10) we were on the JVLR, and thats when Kapil said that the celebrations are early because the moment of truth is the road besides Suncity apartments. And everyone's heart skipped a beat when it was as good as it was earlier. Crossed IIT in exactly 3 minutes (instead of 17) and straight off to Powai. Deepak was home early by 26 minutes and Taruna must have commented on his early arrival. 
There Kapil offered a bet for the time it will take till I get dropped at Greenfield apartments. Being a cynic, I called 9:13, Vivek was for 9:10 and Kapil took a middle of the road 9:11. The clock started ticking from 9:03 onwards and Shabir driver stopped the car and started looking in tently at me at 9:09. Now, faced with a dilemma to get down early and letting anyone else win the bet, I chose to get down while agreeing that vivek won. Afterall, this may not be the last hitch hike from him. 
This was by far the best drive I ever had in Mumbai!!!! 

AUTOWALLAS, when is the next time you will strike? I like Mumbai roads without you. 

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