Saturday, January 17, 2009

cleaning up my closet

... literaly. Today was a activity filled Saturday. I had a bath. and there is a reason for the same. Somehow I felt like cleaning my books closet today. And I have found it as an interesting task. When you clean your books closet after a very long time, lets say, 5 years. There are some books that I always wanted to read and bought but could not. And there were some books that I read that I am now ashamed of buying in the first place. That makes me realise that there must have been changes in me since that time.
One very interesting thing that I found in the closet was a old flannel bound diary. It was given to me by dad since it was last years and of no use. I was in Standard VIII then. This diary was special because I used it to write poems. I am not a prolific poet or anything like that, but I liked to pen a few words in a rythmic fashion to express what I observed around.
That made me realise that I have changed, I dont like to read leave alone writing. But, I want to write. Something tells me that I will be lighter if I do.
So, beware if you are reading this because you will be hit "poetry". Excuse if you dont like it.

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