Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Discovering myself

No introspection, no analysis. I was browsing on Facebook when I saw an invite from a friend for "WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK OF YOU AT FIRST SIGHT?" quiz. 
Normally, I would just ignore such a request but yesterday night I was really looking out to do something. And I took the quiz. And here is what it did to me by putting up a posting on my wall. 

Now this is an analysis which I want to show to my boss who always opines that I am not aggressive. 
He, and my last boss always used to add to my appraisals that I need to be aggressive.

The possibilities could be as follows: 
1. I am not aggressive: conflicting opinions
2. I am aggressive: conflicting opinions 
3. I am aggressive selectively: possibily, as I tend to aggressive with people I am comfortable with as I think they tend to understand my view point without getting bothered with the verbiage
4. I was not aggressive and have become aggressive: possible, as my hunger for success and recognition has crossed a threshold

I need more opinions on the same and will surely be observing people for their reactions to me